Monday, April 6, 2009

Catch 22...

There is very strange thing about friendship…the moment you let ego come in…you might as well call it quits…but the catch 22 is that all the people sharing the bond need to keep ego aside…even if not at the same point at least in turns…if the burden of doing that is only on one person then that does not work..

Why did I call it catch 22 is because “not letting ego come in” is absolute and not selective…so ideally you should be able to keep it out all the time…but we do not live in the ideal world and are not perfect…

1 comment:

Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti said...

I feel it's a bit easier than a perfect catch-22, which I think is a synonym for deadlock (meaning all processes waiting for each others to let go of a resource they need to proceed; and hence none being able to proceed). All relations are subject to deadlock, but it's an unlikely event. It needs all the parties to stick to their egos at the same time. If it's a balanced relation, that's a rarity. Someone or the other will always let go. But if only one person has to let go of her ego again and again, it's anyway an unfair relation, and needs to be stopped. However, there's some number N at which the parties should decide that the same person shouldn't be forced to adjust more than. If N is crossed, the switch should trip, and people should decide to part.

So easy, na! I know it's not so easy!