Sunday, June 29, 2008


Ajmer…a town which always amazes me…every time I go there I see a different side to it…probably because going there is a strange mix of memories from the past and present…every time I go there its after a gap of more than a couple of years…and so in my mind the past and present mingle and the emotions I feel are so mixed that at times I don’t really know if they stem from today or from some experience way back in the past…

We reached Ajmer only in the wee hours of the morning…no one knew we were coming and so it was a surprise seeing the kids knocking the door at 4:00 am in the morning…and of course things had to start with a cup of tea…every time I go to Ajmer my relationship with everyone is different…probably because I have grown up between each visit and thus the equation changes…my association with Ajmer is very strange…there is no place to which I feel emotionally attached or rooted to…though I was born and brought up in Delhi…I just hate the place…it’s not a place I want to be associated with…thus Ajmer is as close as it gets…and also because I have all happy memories of that place…it just feels strangely familiar…

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Week like a rollercoaster ride...

The week past was one rollercoaster ride for me…I don’t changed even know how many miles I travelled or the hours for that matter…from b’lore to Mumbai to jaipur to Ajmer to jaipur to Delhi and now back to b’lore…more than the travel it’s the pace at which my world changed…I left Bangalore not because I was bored or feeling lonely in the huge house now that my friend is not there but because I wanted to get away from my work and the people there…I just couldn’t take it anymore…the aloofness, the loneliness, the mockery of the world around was just too much…I just could not bear to be with those people any more…it was suffocating me…I wanted to run away and that’s what I did…to Mumbai…to a place which is a perfect home from my pov…it’s so full of warmth and affection…I am quite sure everyone who enters that place can feel it…and it’s not a coincident that it’s that way because of two (almost) perfect people living there…there’s so much of “apnapan” there that I just feel happy just being there…the fact that I get pampered and looked after notwithstanding ;)

The first part of my journey was like coming home…when you are at a place where you don’t have to put on any mask…I am absolutely myself even when around people (the only other person with whom I am this open is my friend in b’lore)…we had endless cups of teas…movies & matches…I was slightly restless though…probably because I hadn’t been out in some time now…and then my cousin decided to go to Ajmer…I was very excited…I haven’t been there for past six years and so I was slightly apprehensive as well…didn’t know how everyone would take it…but then I knew my cousin was there to rescue me if required :) …so with that we started on our journey to Ajmer via jaipur…the weather was perfect and so was the company…G is a great person in spite of his comments and slightly boyish attitude…but that’s just the age…he is basically a very simple and nice person…though we keep on having our tiffs…and my cousin…I have always associated with a burst of colors…a palette which will have all the colors but you never know which color will come when you dip your brush in it…unpredictable and full of life…you cannot but be in awe of her…

And so we reached Ajmer and it all my apprehensions turned out to be completely unfounded…my aunts have the knack of making anyone feel loved and welcomed… be continued...