Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spiral downwards…

I know I won’t do it but the temptation is great…sometimes it just seems like a chore to even open your eyes in the morning…in spite of doing everything I feel there is so much negative vibes in this house that it just does not feel comfortable any more…it’s such a shame when good relations go down the drain…maybe the expectations are too many or the communication is not enough…whatever be the reason…

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Truth is out...

Was reading New York Times today and picked up this quote:

“Fact is that this is a terrible way to make a living — except for the money,” Ken Miller, a former vice chairman at Credit Suisse First Boston and now a private investor, said. “The lifestyle is terrible — the hours, the sucking up. These guys must feel like they’re the victims of a capricious god.”

And I felt like saying, yippee! finally the truth is out…not that people didn’t know it earlier but no one had the @#$% guts to say anything…until now…